Friday, February 24, 2006

Mistaken identity

I remember while on summer camp a few years back, I walked into some friends flocked together playing Boggle and then when I tried butting in if I can join them, one of them said, "Naku, talo na agad tayo nyan. E librarian 'yan, laging kasama mga libro. Malawak ang bokabularyo nyan!" [We’re instant losers. she's a librarian, always surrounded with books. just imagine her vocabulary] I chuckled in shock at this reaction and said, "Do I really make that 'walking encyclopedia' impression?!"

Truth be told, I'd rather rub crayons onto coloring books than read my prep texts when I was a kid. I'd fancy colorful stuffs (picture books, fun comics, etc.) than read perfectly-printed monographs during my teens. I think the closest thing I read next to thick paperbacks was Sweet Valley Twins. My parents practically left me to do what I want to do (so long as they don't see failing marks to my name) and nibbling books was never in my list. Now this has become one of my biggest regrets (besides wearing ripped jeans). It was only in college when I started leafing through "real books" and even now that I'm a librarian, I'm just beginning to curb a career of becoming a voracious reader.

There. I'm no competition to word game addicts. But I know I can still fool people into thinking that I am, so for them, I think am going to live with that impression for a while.

Monday, February 20, 2006

All grown up

Once upon a time, we were just college classmates each taking part in a phone brigade -- happening during the wee hours of the morning -- consulting each other whether or not we got our 3"x5" card margins right for our cataloging class.

This morning, I sat with one of them who were once part of that disturbing phone brigade. This time around, we were classmates no more but two colleagues discussing about a major digitization project for the library where we both serve.


I never failed catching up on her daily dose of kilig moments about her object/s of affection (a.k.a. crush/es) whenever we ran into each other every single school day.

A couple of months back, I sent her an e-mail inquiring if her network could possibly donate media materials for my library. She said I needed to write to her superiors and promised to back me up if and when I needed one.


They used to spoil my lazy Sunday afternoons by playing arbiter to their cat quarrels (I repeatedly thought that the two of them were miserable disasters put together).

I am now the godmother of their first-born and she's about to deliver their second. Yes, these two "disasters" ended up together.


I sent her to school and I've lost count as to how many times I nagged her into cutting off from too much partying. I was her version of Cruella de Vil.

She treated me out to fine-dining this noon. And that was not the first time.

We've all grown up, see.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A spoiler excused

I received an email alert from one of my e-group thread early Saturday morning about SMPO and SMMC's free concert at the Shangri-La mall slated for that evening, and out of mad excitement (live orchestral music for FREE!!!), I wasted no time in tagging Vincent along with me into scurrying up there after work (am on Saturday duty since dinosaurs first roamed the earth, yes). I had no idea that that was exactly what he had in mind for days. I didn't mean to spoil his surprise and consequently, beating him to it :-)

The concert was FANTASTIC! I usually complain about -- next to involuntary starvation -- having to be up on my heels for just a little over 30 minutes, but that night, I never once grumbled during the show. I haven't even noticed time passing, enduring two full hours of being stationary and almost motionless. Before the first score was flailed, my "hyperactivity" started kicking in as I just couldn't help being so, so thrilled (my companion had to actually force me to stay put and shushed me several times that night)...I was back to my normal self immediately after the show. No, I'm not exaggerating.

The music was soothing, tuning into it was like falling into a trance. It's all worth the numbed out legs... And his patience, too. *wink* Thank you, dearest.

Friday, February 10, 2006


My proclamation is that I am not at the least bit interested. And yet much of what's behind that edict would reveal another side that presents another universe of interest.

Unknown to him, my baffled heart leaps a million miles.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Antonio's spell

Been enchanted by Vivaldi since mid-last week and loving it ever since. It's been a long time since I last plugged into classical music, and I figured Vivaldi's was exactly the calming therapy that I needed for the remainder of my semester.

I was just too excited to lay back and read my unfinished leisure book whilst into Vivaldi; but I ended up slamming the book down, closing my eyes and then permitted myself to drown into his beautiful scores. Thanks to him still planted in my ears, I was able to clean up for the next two days what used to be my office desk of four years (and will raid another officemate's desk for that matter) in a jiffy. Jeez, was I too captivated or what?

I think I've grown addicted to him now. I couldn't concentrate writing (my thesis) and couldn't turn him off just the same. Antonio's spell's getting into me again...close your eyes...put your notes down...