Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Like a doormat for diversions

Remarkably, my diversions to alleviate stress turned out to be a combination of an overdose of Disney channel movies, and a quarter-pack of Spanish lessons.

Yes it's trivial. But I must say that these have afforded me instantaneous cure. I would liken the sensation to platelets rushing steadily to rehabilitate a laceration ripping out in progress. For a temporary antidote, these diversions happened right on time, just as the doormat was about to be delivered to the sickbay.

Diversions -- or simply put, distractions -- offered me temporary relief. Memorizing lines from Disney movies by heart while looking forward to speaking conversational Spanish in three months' time have become my culture for the past couple of weeks. In a way, it's therapeutic. Really.

Am I making sense here?! Creo que si..

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