Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Musing randomly

On MRT: Why can't it be logistically efficient when this can be done with sound planning?

On boyfriend-girlfriend exchanging SIM cards: WHY??!!! What for?! I neither find it cute nor sweet. It's annoying.

On blue lady guards: Their incredible patience over impatient, non-abiding customers always amazes me. I wish I have the same.

On gadgets I know I will never own for practical, economic and sensible reasons: But then again, I get to hold them without really acquiring. Talk about perks of being a UP librarian surrounded with kids not knowing the full potential of their educational "toys". Hah!

On pretty girls: How come they still look pretty when they're all sweaty and dirty? It's unfair.

On honor students: Getting a medal for academic excellence doesn't mean one is brilliant. It doesn't always follow, I figured out lately.

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