Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I count my blessings

Growing up wouldn't be a million times as much fun without these important ladies in my life. To them I would credit a huge chunk of which I was and what I have become today. If it weren't for these gals, I wouldn't have any reason at all to put a big smile on my face whenever I look back at my childhood and puberty years. My life would never be the same!

With Nimfa. I've been meaning to write about my personal who's who but haven't had the chance to do so, until now. And since it's the start of a brand new year (and at New Year, the timing revolves around the themes of new beginnings, gratefulness, etc.), I figured that now is the best time to write about them.

The three of us share a colorful childhood together in UP. I first met Nimfa one nap-time afternoon (Like most average kids with parents scolding their children to siesta after lunch, yes, I too would sneak out of my hawk-eyed mom just when I'm really sure she's dropped into her peaceful afternoon slumber. He-he-he) and played lutu-lutuan (Pretend-play cooking. I still do that in a real kitchen by the way) for the first time. We've become enduring best friends ever since. We've been through crests and troughs together. Even though we don't see each other now quite as often as before, we're both secure about our friendship. Whenever we see/speak to each other, however seldom it may be, we still connect! We still finish each other's sentences. And hey, we've been friends for almost 25 years now (There, there. Now you can guess how young I am *wink wink*)!

Irene.We (Nimfa and I) met Irene I think about a year later. I'm not quite sure how I met her (Irene, sweetie, if ever you see this post, please help refresh my memory), but the only recollection I ever have of meeting her for the first time was that she and Nimfa were classmates in school. And oh yes, she was definitely a part of the siesta sneak-outs. That would make the three of us at that time (smiles). We'd laze around a monkey bar (we called it the 'gymnastics') not too far from our homes, revealed each other's secrets there and dreamt together. We've harbored our friendship roots way too deep. This girl’s a one tough cookie. I personally think that of us three, she was the one who really went through with a lot...and survived. With that, I admire her for her determination.

We may be living our own separate lives now (Nimfa is happily married and a fulfilled mother to a 5-year old smart boy, while Irene is based in Manhattan, NY finishing her studies), but we sure agree on one thing: that no matter where we are and where life would take us, we'll be the best of friends.

Love you, guys.

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