Sunday, January 08, 2006

Looking at a brand new haircut

I believe by this time, most adults "in touch with their inner souls" may have already done some reflecting about their own version of life in 2005, eventually arriving at a handful take of resolutions to their name. Vows that are either noted down mentally and then sincerely tacked on the corkboard; or scribbled in water. 8 days into 2006 and I'm just starting to look back.

[Sidebar: I'm not aspiring to become a drama queen here, but the succeeding sections of this post may sound melodramatic as I go. No big deal. Just a fair warning.]

2005 had been a very challenging year for me. A tough one at that, really. I was confronted with a battery of struggles that not just once put my convictions to the test. Many times I tried hard to beg off wrestling, but then again in the end, I had no other choice but to face the music that these challenges play. It's not easy to play along, especially when the rules get thorny. Fortunately, I somehow managed to get by and well, here I am. Still alive and blogging :)

Although I've had my share of regrets, looking back now I realized that there will always be one or two scraps left that are worth the taking. If there were only three things I'd value about last year, that would probably be one of them. Possessing such misgivings inspired me to reinstate within me the importance of forgiving oneself (which is by far, one of the hardest things for me to do), and then when equipped with penitence, change for the better...Easier said than done, huh? But like what I've said, it's worth my two cents.

Above all, I am grateful for EVERYTHING -- every single thing that has come about in my life last year. Despite my shortcomings, God has blessed me just the same. Incredible relationships tied, witnessing my loved ones' dreams materializing, my academic drive (go graduate school!), my bedroom renovated (about time!), learning how to cook leche flan...I can go on and on. Basta. I am just thankful for all of these.

I don't know what's in store for me this year. I've got my partial list of personal goals but am not posting it here (hehehe). For the meantime, I'm sporting a new haircut. That's a good "head" start.

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